The Views of Teacher Candidates on Self and Peer Assessment of Performance Assignments and Using Rubric

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Burcu Aksekioglu
Kenan Demir
Seyma Uyar


In this study, the views of the teacher candidates on self and peer assessment of performance assignments and using rubric  (scoring scale) in this process, are determined. The views of 158 students in total from Mathematics, Turkish and Science Teaching departments on the study, carried out during Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in 2014-2015 Fall term, are taken. The views of the teacher candidates are taken with interview form consisted of open-ended questions; not structured. An example application related to rubric is done before scoring. During the scoring of performance assignments, teacher candidates graded works of their peers studying in different classes firstly without using rubric, then, they graded by using rubric. Afterward, they graded their own performance assignments by means of using generally (non-rubric) and gradually rubric. Therefore, for the same performance assignments, 4 separate score were obtained, and these scores were reported to teacher candidates. At the end of the process, the opinions of the teacher candidates were taken. Qualitative data reached by means of the views of the teacher candidates on the process are analyzed in descriptive way. In respect of findings, the students emphasized that self and peer assessment increased self-confidence of them participating in the assessment process. Besides, they pointed out that they compared their own work by seeing the work of their peers and realized its shortcomings. Analysing teacher candidates’ opinions subjected to rubric, the teacher candidates stressed that they learned how scoring should be done, and what you need to pay attention in their careers. Also more reliable results are taken by use of rubric’s providing the chance of multi-directional and objective assessment. Moreover it is seen that the students, who have had hesitations on scoring process at the beginning, present positive opinions at the end.    


Keywords: self-assessment; peer assessment; performance assignment;rubric ( scoring scale).


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Aksekioglu, B., Demir, K., & Uyar, S. (2017). The Views of Teacher Candidates on Self and Peer Assessment of Performance Assignments and Using Rubric. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4). Retrieved from


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