Comparison of multivariate pattering methods in group/cluster identification regarding the science of educational research: Implicative Statistical Analysis vs. L' Analysee Factorielle des Correspondances

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Sofia D Anastasiadou


Nowadays, there is a substantial improvement and utilisation of pattering methods in the science of educational research, a comparison of multivariate methods in group/cluster identification in the scientific domain of quantitative research has not been  carried out. This study analyses two different statistical techniques: i.e., the principal components analysis (PCA) and the implicative statistical analysis (ASI). A survey was carried out using a structured questionnaire for a sample of 135 nurses which studied in the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education in order to be qualified in respect The study focuses on the presentation of the two main types of clustering methods, της ASI and L’ Analysee Factorielle des Correspondances (AFC). AFC’s results made it evident that Emotionality, Self-control, Sociability, General items of EI constructs are shaped attitudes and reveal the latent dimension of respondents psychological attributes related to EI conceptual constructs.

Keywords: L' Analysee Factorielle des Correspondances, principal components analysis, implicative statistical analysis, research.


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How to Cite
Anastasiadou, S. D. (2019). Comparison of multivariate pattering methods in group/cluster identification regarding the science of educational research: Implicative Statistical Analysis vs. L’ Analysee Factorielle des Correspondances. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 238–245.