Developing learning abilities through flexible teaching strategies

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The national Romanian curriculum challenges practitioners to apply it through educational and structured activities so as not to delineate the structure indicated by the national curriculum. Due to a common dialogue with other educational systems, the current Romanian educational system addresses at the micro-pedagogical level educational practices specific to other educational systems. The Finnish educational system manages to effectively combine current curriculum structures, the social vision based on trust and the implementation of educational software. This triad of components provides Finnish practitioners and foreign practitioners with the Finnish educational system, a design of educational activities validated by the educational outcomes. We wanted to discover the Romanian teachers' vision of the opportunities of the Finnish education system, as well as finding out about the continuous training of teachers in the national educational system.

Keywords: Romanian curriculum, Finnish educational system, cooperation, curriculum implementation.


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How to Cite
Developing learning abilities through flexible teaching strategies. (2019). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 336–343.