Validity and reliability of the needs analysis instrument for the mathematics problem-solving module

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Shivaraj Subramaniam
Siti Mistima Maat
Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud


This research’s objective is to investigates the reliability and validity of the needs analysis instrument for mathematics problem-solving based on the computational thinking module among primary school mathematics teachers. For the needs analysis phase, the researchers applied a quantitative method involving a questionnaire. The instrument calibration method is test of language validity, content validity, empirical validity and reliability. The instrument’s reliability was tested in a pilot study involving 50 primary school mathematics teachers. The pilot study was analyzed using SPSS version 26. The pilot test results show that Cronbach’s alpha value for Construct A: computational thinking skills is 0.786, Construct B: problem-solving skills is 0.772, and the need for the problem-solving module is 0.775. Finally, the researcher expects that this instrument will assist other researchers in the needs analysis phase of developing a mathematical module based on computational thinking in problem-solving.

Keywords: Validity, reliability, mathematics, module, computational


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How to Cite
Subramaniam, S., Maat, S. M., & Mahmud, M. S. (2022). Validity and reliability of the needs analysis instrument for the mathematics problem-solving module. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(12), 4518–4529.