Usage digital storytelling based on local wisdom (DSLW): Improving story writing skills

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Robiatul Munajah
Mohammad Syarif Sumantri
Yufiarti Yufiarti


This research aims to answer teachers' needs in utilizations DSLW to improve story writing skills for fourth-grade elementary school students. The research flow for developing teaching materials for researchers uses the Dick and Carey model. Effectiveness testing was conducted using an independent sample t-test to determine the effectiveness of digital storytelling products based on local wisdom (DSLW) to improve story writing skills. However, in the small group test, the product was revised before the large group trial was carried out; in the large group trial, the product was final and could be implemented in elementary schools.

Keywords: Digital Storytelling, Local Wisdom, Writing Skills.


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How to Cite
Munajah, R., Sumantri, M. S., & Yufiarti, Y. (2023). Usage digital storytelling based on local wisdom (DSLW): Improving story writing skills. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(3), 605–621.