Effects of webquest on the achievement and motivation of Jordanian University students of (independent & dependent) cognitive style

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Osamah (Mohammad Ameen)  Aldalal
Yousef Ahmed Eyadat
Ziad Waleed Mohamed Ababneh


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Webquest on the Jordanian students of different cognitive style. The independent variables were the instruction (conventional & Webquest). The dependent variables were the students’ achievement and motivation. The instruction rating variable is cognitive style (independent & dependent). The study sample consisted of 72 undergraduate educational technology students, information and communication technology students and graphic design students. Inferential statistics were conducted to analyze the data. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and T-TEST was carried out to examine the main effects of the independent variables on the dependent variables. The findings of this study showed that students using the Webquest instruction performed significantly better in achievement and motivation than students using the conventional instruction. Independent cognitive style students performed significantly better in achievement and motivation than dependent cognitive style students. Webquest instruction was found to help students with dependent cognitive style in achievement and motivation.

 Keywords: webquest, cognitive style, achievement, motivation


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 Aldalal, O. (Mohammad Ameen), Eyadat, Y. A., & Mohamed Ababneh, Z. W. (2015). Effects of webquest on the achievement and motivation of Jordanian University students of (independent & dependent) cognitive style. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 7(2), 119–135. https://doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v7i2.44


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