Designing multimedia development for English language learning: Resources of effective instructional process

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Dadang Sukirman
Budi Setiawan


Innovation in learning media development to facilitate students in supporting optimal learning outcomes is essential. This study aims to design mobile learning multimedia development production related to the mastery of English as a communication tool at the secondary level. It applies the following (4D) procedure: 1) define, which includes theoretical and need analysis; 2) design, which contains an identification of core competencies and basic competencies, selection and collection of materials, making flowcharts and storyboards; 3) develop, which includes the stages of media production, validation of media experts, validation of material experts and student response questionnaires and product trials; and 4) disseminate, which covers the activity of spreading the final validated product to the affiliated users used as learning media and or resources in the instructional process. The product development being tested has gone through several stages: a review from a media expert that includes aspects of software engineering and visual communication and a review from a material expert that contains parts of material and learning design. Students’ responses include technical and interesting aspects, limited trials, extensive trials and are feasible for medium learning, resulting in effective and efficient online learning resources.        


Keywords: Innovation; design; development; learning multimedia


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How to Cite
Sukirman, D., & Setiawan, B. . (2022). Designing multimedia development for English language learning: Resources of effective instructional process . World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14(4), 1077–1093.